Silicon Valley's relationship with Trump is not going very well because they are separated by many things like culture and politics. He has imposed to ban all immigration from seven predominantly ,Muslim Countries, which outraged many companies because they rely on foreign engineers. "Most of the CEOs are pretty hard-core Democrats," Moore said. "You have to search far and wide to find people in Silicon Valley who believe in the things that Trump talked about." The tech industry was far more vehement in its opposition for the Trump candidacy. Trump feels more comfortable in a managerial world of office rather than the entrepreneurial world of computing. Many of the tech companies already disagree with his ideas so it is already tough enough to do business with him. He wants to take away a resource that they rely on heavily by putting a ban on immigration from the Muslim countries. This makes it even worse for the companies to agree with anything that Trump suggests.
What would you do if you were the CEO of a popular tech company in this situation?
Do you think that it is really necessary to impose a ban of immigration considering the consequences?
How do you think the Silicon Valley should deal with Trump?
If I was heading up a tech company I think I would support anti-Trump campaigns but also making sure that I have my companies interest first. I think Silicon Valley has already started opposing Trump. A lot of companies have already openly stated that they don't like Trump. I don't think that it is necessary to impose a ban.
ReplyDeleteIf I were a CEO of a big company I would respect the power of our President, but also lay down the line when I feel he tries to cross it. I believe that the Silicon Valley should continue to do their thing, if they need to hire more workers then go ahead, they shouldn't have to go to other countries for their engineers.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in the ban on immigration, and I think that the best thing that the CEO's in Silicon Valley can do is continue to voice their opinions.
ReplyDeleteWell honestly I would be very frustrated with Trump since most tech companies run off mostly immigrants any how. I would see as if he is trying to attack my company head on in this situation, but I would try to see both prospectives because the immigrants who now are legally here have families and have built a life here in the United States, and I would try and fight for them. Otherwise I wouldn't hold a grudge if he was trying to deport the illegal immigrants. Yes, they have families to, but there is a process to things, and they must abide by the rules to.
ReplyDeleteI would be as well frustrated, it would be very complicated fo rme to work in a position like that. Silicon valley should just should concentrate and continue on what their doing now.
ReplyDeleteif I were ceo I would not want to work with him because he is a very unfair man.
ReplyDeleteI think immigrants should have a opportunity to have a life here because everyone deserves an opportunity for a better life. I think Silicon Vally should ignore Trump if they do not agree with his ideas.
If I were part of a tech company in the sillicon valley, I too would be frustrated with Trump. The san francisco bay area is extremely welcoming to all people, therefore it is important we maintain this ideology in our up and coming companies.
ReplyDeleteIt is good that many CEO's are stating their opinions However this is business that is being dealt with and having the most experience with business and being a very good businessman, I think Trump has it twisted on all the facts that Muslims are all terrorists and this is not a smart move for him to make, especially if this hurts the workforce for many people which in result will hurt the economy. Trump's view on race and immigration needs to change but other than that I feel like he would be a good president.
ReplyDeleteI do not personally agree with a ban on immigration but in order for companies to continue their work I think that spreading their opinion should do the job in action.
ReplyDeleteIf I were the CEO of a big company, I would be respecting our President, but I would have to lay down the line to a certain point. I think having a good relationship with Trump is very important. In addition, having your company's best interest is something you need to seek as well.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the CEO of a big company, I would focus on trying to protect my employees. I don't feel imposing an immigration ban will help that much since people will get into the country one way or another.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nicole f I were the CEO of a company I would focus on trying to protect my employees. This is the land of the free and I would not my employees to be halted from their jobs simply for their ethnic background. THeir culture should not impose on what a great job and mind they can do
ReplyDeleteIf i were the CEO of a company I would do my best to make decisions with my company and employees best interest in mind. However, I would also be anti-trump. I believe that being anti-trump would be in the best interest of my business.