Saturday, February 18, 2017

Trump administration threatens Caltrain electrification project & HSR

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao announced the Federal Government is withholding $647 million in funding that was to be used for the electrification of Caltrain. The process of issuing contracts for the project has a March 1 deadline, which creates a problem for Caltrain, which has already spent $150 million on the process. The $647 million of Federal dollars is a significant chunk of the $1.98 billion dollar project. This has the potential to further delay high speed rail, which can't move forward until Caltrain switches from diesel to electric. Delays can also mean higher price tags.

1. Is it reasonable for the Federal government to hold off on spending $647 million on Caltrain electrification until they know if the HSR project is financially viable?

2. Should Caltrain be electrified even if HSR doesn't happen?

3. How should Caltrain collaborate with the Federal government to get the funding given that they've already invested $150 million?


  1. I would say that it is reasonable because like you mentioned, this project costs $647 million dollars. That is a very large sum of money and should be invested properly. I do think that Caltrain should be electrified for renewable energy purposes.

  2. If I were acting as the federal government I would hold off on a project where I didn't know where all the money was coming from. $647 million dollars is a lot of money to take away from a project as it is already in the process of happening. However, I do believe that Caltrain should be electrified even if high speed rail doesn't happen.

  3. I agree with Geth that it is reasonable to hold off on spending $657 million on Caltrain electrification because it is such a high expense. I think it is most reasonable to wait and acquire the money before starting for security reasons. However, I do believe in the project and think Caltrain should be electrified.

  4. I agree with the Trump administration that 647$ should be carefully invested, that is a lot of money that can also be used for other important projects.

  5. I think it is reasonable that the Federal government is holding off spending $647 million because that is a lot of money; however, I think they need to move quickly on deciding whether or not the electrification should be funded that way Caltrain does not waste anymore money on the project. I do believe that Caltrain should be electrified no matter what though because it would make traveling the Bay Area a lot easier instead of having to switch Railroad systems at Millbrae. I think if Caltrain wants this project to be funded then they need to tell the government their plans and be completely transparent in this process so that the government can trust them.

  6. electrification of lines is a different scenario for american rail ways. While the project could be more beneficial and efficient, electric lines need to be proven doable financially for U.S. grounds. Electric lines in other nations are between multiple huge areas, but in our nation, a flight to LA from SF might seem better to possible users of electric lines, thus proving those lines not being optimal for our nation.

  7. I believe it is reasonable because the HSR will be more efficient as opposed to electricity turned diesel trains. If HSR doesn't happen than caltrain should be electrified. They can always do test trains to see how efficient they are, and if they are more efficient than the HSR system.

  8. Probably is just a safe move to see if the plan is viable because we don't want any Detroits to be happening in California if you know what I mean. We gotta save dat money for the future. And if HSR doesn't pass and the plan just falls to pieces then might as well just suck it up at this point because we're losing the game pretty hard right now.

  9. I agree with Jalen, California should have considered this a possiility when planning this project

  10. I believe that it is 100% reasonable. That is a ton of money that would be going into something. I think it is a smart choice especially because this is a big investment. I do believe that Caltrain should be electrified if HSR does not happen.

  11. I think it is a safe move to hold off on spending $647 million because it is a huge amount. I believe Caltrain should switch over from diesel to electric even if HSR doesn't happen.

  12. I think that since Caltrain has already put in $150 million to this project, they should see the benefits of their investment. The government should work with them to get at least some of their needs met.
