Wednesday, April 26, 2017

U.S. to Grow Slower Than Trump Pledges, Economists Say

President Trump may not live up to the economic growth that he once promised. In September, Trump predicted that his tax plan would create this huge impact t on the economy. He said that it would grow from 3 to even 5 percent.

However, after the National Association in Business Economics surveyed 50 economists, they found that the economists only predicted 2.3 percent growth this year and 2.5 percent growth in 2018.

Although these numbers are higher than the pace that our country has been at in the past, it is still not as high as Trump had promised.

Many economists believe that financial markets are thinking too optimistically about the impact of Trump's proposals.

The tax reform package that Trump has proposed still needs to get approved by congress.

- What is your opinion on Trump's tax proposal?

- Do you think that people should be upset that Trump isn't living up to the economic growth he promised or happy that it has increased since the past years?

- How long do you think it will take for the tax reform package to get approved and enacted?


  1. I think that people should be upset. He ran this election promising a lot to the American people and now he has been going back on most of it or can't get it through the house or the senate. People voted for him for his promises and he is delivering on them, therefore people should be upset that he isn't following through.

  2. I agree with Quinn because he promised a lot to the American people but now he can't promise what he says because it doesn't go through the house or senate.

  3. I agree with Quinn that people should be upset with him that he is not following through with the things he had said he would do. Although if you look back at other presidents and their promises not everyone follows through on everything they say.

  4. People that actually believed what he said will probably be upset.

  5. I think if I supported Trump and he didn't follow through i'd be upset, but people have to understand that this is how candidates get people to vote for them. This is not the first time this has happened.

  6. id be upset if i voted for him for this sole purpose but i think those who voted for him are understanding that he cant fix it in a matter of no time

  7. Honestly politicians have very frequently gone back on promises they made and have failed to keep campaign promises. I would not be surprised if trump wont be able to fulfill his promise yet then again, it is not realistic to expect significant change within one or two years

  8. Trump is trying to fix something that really is not possible and honest;y it is so disappointing that he was trusted and he is not really doing good.

  9. I agree with Daniela that people elected Trump based on his policies but he hasn't been able to deliver on anything so far.

  10. I believe that the people who believed him should only be upset with themselves. Although trump is seen as a successful business man, the US is not a business. It's and entire country, and I am not surprised he hasn't been able to deliver anything thus far.
