The tensions between the US and North Korea have never been good and this recent news is not making at any better. Admiral Harry Harris, head of the US Pacific Command has told congress that, "the US will be ready with the best technology." In response to Harris's words, the US has deployed warships and submarine to the Korean Peninsula. US has been on alert since North Korea started planning missile tests and nuclear tests. Harris also believes that he will attack North Korea as soon as the US gets the military capabilities. Trumps good relations with China's president Xi Jinping promises that increasing tensions with North Korea will not affect China.
Is US right in getting involved with North Korea?
Should we be scared of North Korea?
Do you agree with the US's recent move on North Korea?

I believe that america has reason to be on guard because north Korea has threatened the U.S. and its allies for along time, it is best if North Korea is stopped before they have the technology to reach further targets in america. America should not be afraid of North Korea but it can never hurt to be cautious.
ReplyDeleteI believe the tactics the US has been using to handle North Korea are necessary because if we show any sign of weakness it will allow them advance with their threats and strike the US with missiles.
ReplyDeleteI think that is was dumb to get involved with North Korea and that ya they may not have the same technology as us, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be watching them. We also should not be making things worse with them either.
ReplyDeleteGetting involved with north korea was probably not the best idea. I dont think we should be scared or north korea but we shouldn't let our guards down.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is great that we are preparing for anything, if North Korea has been testing nuclear weapons and is preparing for war then we shouldn't be caught with our pants down. I feel safer living on the coast when the US is preparing for war and not just trying to be non confrontational.
ReplyDeleteI think that America should be on guard because obviously North Korea is a threat because they are testing nuclear weapons. Although I do not think that planing to attack North Korea as soon as US get the "capability" is not a smart idea at all. I do think we should be afraid of North Korea because it is unpredictable to know what will happen. I do not agree with US recent move on North Korea.
ReplyDeleteGetting involved with North Korea is not the greatest idea. No we definitely should not be afraid of North Korea at all.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we should get involved with North Korea, we should just keep the peace there is no need for fighting.
ReplyDeleteI think that while we have a reason to be cautious and careful we should not be getting involved with North Korea, there is no war and we are not currently fighting so we should not be taking too many actions towards them
ReplyDeleteWe should not be scared of the North Koreans, but we should also refrain from being involved with them because of their connections with China.
ReplyDeleteI think it is best if we do not get involved with North Korea but be cautious. We should not be scared of North Korea with our advanced military.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that the US needed to get involved with North Korea at all, besides the fact that they could cause the world a lot of trouble. I believe any military moves we make will be well thought out.
ReplyDeleteIt seems the connection with China has no effect on our relationship with North Korea, but only if we go to war with NK. However, I am not sure why Trump is increasing spending on military just to have ships and submarines over there if they aren't even doing anything.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that the US getting involved with North Korea is necessarily a good idea. I do not think we should be afraid of North Korea because you never know what could happen.
ReplyDeleteI think that no matter what America was going to have to get involved with North Korea anyway. North Korea has slowly over the years posed a threat to America and it was only a matter of time before we did. I think if we smart we should but I don't think America should have any issues in terms of arm strength. I am kind of neutral when it comes to the decision because there may be some information that we don't really know yet.
ReplyDeleteI believe that North Korea over the years has been become a threat to America. America should try and not go to war but you can not ignore a country that is growing in power that is a threat.
ReplyDeleteI think America should be alert and cautious when it comes to North Korea. America shouldn't get involved with North Korea unless we know what we're dealing with, however, we shouldn't let our guard down.
ReplyDeleteI think the US is right for getting involved. We do not need to fear North Korea, but we should be aware that they are a threat to us.
ReplyDeleteI like how North Korea is in the news everyday but nothing actually happens. Sad! This is just a classic example of America needing more news for CNN without actually compromising the Empire State building. We don't want the invasion to happen but we got to still make sure our galaxy phones are still being sold in Colorado even after the Note 7 explosions.
ReplyDeleteGetting involved with North Korea is not a good idea but we shouldn't be scared.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the US should get involved with North Korea. I think that we should be cautious when it comes to North Korea.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe we should be getting involved with North Korea and heightening tensions because this can lead to a third world war. We just want to be on high alert about their actions and try to figure out if their words are empty threats or not.
ReplyDeleteI do not think we should go to war.
ReplyDeleteI don't think getting involved with North Korea is a good idea because even though they are not a threat to the US, it may spark a World War 3
ReplyDeleteI do not believe that it would be wise for the US to get involved with North Korea. They are unpredictable and we should not take our chances.
ReplyDeleteThe US would make the wrong decision in advancing on North Korea. North Korea is simply too powerful right now in military strength that it would overwhelm the US.
ReplyDeleteIf North Korea were to retaliate it could result in complete obliteration of US soil. This is a similar situation to the Bay of Pigs where the US has to think wisely or it could end up poor for every American.
ReplyDeleteThe reason we have a problem with North Korea in the first place is because the US began sticking its nose in other countries' problems. We do not want to provoke any further problems since it can easily lead to full on war.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we should get involved with north korea, it could possibly spark a world war 3, so we just want be on good terms with them. I don't think we should be scared, we can protect ourselves i hope.
ReplyDeleteI believe we should not be scared of North Korea considering that two of their missile testing has failed, and our military is top of the notch
ReplyDeleteI think that if North Korea is a threat to us then we should attack them. I don't think the us should be scared because we have a lot more advanced technology.
ReplyDeleteI dont think we should be scared of north korea but i also we shouldnt get involved with them
ReplyDeleteincreasing defense and being on guard is a logical strategy, but it should be separated as strongly as possible from antagonizing and provoking the other nation
ReplyDeleteWe should do whatever we can to avoid conflict and tensions.. attacks are never good
ReplyDeleteattacks are unnecessary and never end up good
ReplyDeleteI do not think it is right to get involved with North Korea and have unnecessary attacks.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is not the right time for the US to be involved with North Korea, currently there are to many internal problems with the US that should be dealt with first.
ReplyDeleteI saw an article on Snapchat about North Korean death camps, and it reminded me of the Nazi concentration camps in WWII. Prisoners consist of political leaders fallen out of favor, innocent people declared to be enemies of state, and runaways that have been brought back. Prisoners worked on the fields 16 hours a day, and prison officers often get away with murder and rape. In conclusion, North Korea is a horrible country that should certainly be dealt with by not only the US, but also the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Thomas that this isn't the right time for the US to get involved and increase tension with another country when we have other important things to be dealing with and that need our attention more than North Korea does.
ReplyDeleteJust because we are not aware of what goes on in the nation does not mean it does not warrant our action. The nation is backwards in every which way and there is no arguing in defense of the downright horrific state it is in and for every citizen living in it. Like victor said, it's a hell on earth and a torture land for its citizens. With that said, it almost is a shame no action has been taken before, but understandably so nonetheless. It was bound to happen in the future, a nation like that either will not stand or will face action from outside countries. Dismantling north Korea would be violent, but an event to be cherished in history on the sake of basic human morals.
ReplyDeletei think that trump will not be happy until we are actually at war with them.
ReplyDeleteDont think its the right time to get involved with them. I dont think we should be scared Of NK, they should be scared of the US.
ReplyDeleteNothing is going to happen if we do not get involved. the problem in North Korea will not solve itself. And yes, it is a problem. The state in which North Korea is right now is just horrendous, starving and working its citizens to death. If the US does not get involved, something else will just happen in the future. Either another country will interfere, or North Korea will take action.
ReplyDeleteI think the US should not get involved because it's just going to make things worse. The only time they should get involved is if the US is actually under attack.
ReplyDeleteU.S. should just hold back until something really goes on and that we are being under attack then they can go in but other then that stay back and mind your business
ReplyDeletei agree that the US should not get involved, mainly for safety reasons along with reputation.