Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Teenage girls who code get encouragement from U.S. bank

Teenage girls who code get encouragement from U.S. bank

10,000 girls from 80 countries participate in a challenge to design apps to solve problems in their communities. U.S. Bank backed teams from Latin American countries and Somalia in their quest to come up with financial apps such as Piggy Saver to help kids get into saving habits. Teams presented to the U.S. Bank CEO and the best teams will win the opportunity to present to Silicon Valley venture capitalists who are considering investing in their apps.

1. Should U.S. schools be promoting coding and web design more given its increasing importance in the world?

2. Is the industry for developing apps overcrowded or do you believe there is more potential future growth?

3. Is this a good way for U.S. Bank to promote saving among young adults and the population as a whole?


  1. I do believe that the US schools should promote coding and web design, and especially schools in the silicon valley. I think the industry is becoming overcrowded, but I do believe there is more potential for future growth as long as the economy stays stable.

  2. I think it's especially important that teen girls are pushed to be coders and web designers, because these occupations are dominated by men. It's crucial to encourage more diversity (not just with gender, but also race) in the workplace in general, and the Silicon Valley is just one example of a professional environment in need of employee variety in terms of their background.

  3. I think teaching coding and web design is a great idea especially because we depend on tech. I also believe there is a potential future growth for developing apps.

  4. I think its pretty important that schools promote coding and web design because it's a strong trait to have now a days. I believe that the industry for developing apps is not overcrowded and that there is a lot more potential future growth.

  5. I believe it is imperative that schools should promote coding and web design. We are so dependent on our technology why don't we learn about it. Develop apps and have a potential future with each of the apps created.

  6. I believe this a great way of getting teenagers to learn more about technology and also associate that with financing and saving money. Everything new and successful will eventually get over crowded and that is good.

  7. I believe that schools should really promote coding and web design, especially in this day in age. Technology is growing more rapidly than ever and now, almost everything is done on the computer. Promoting coding and web design would indeed help prepare kids for potential job opportunities.

  8. US Schools should be promoting web design and coding more because everybody is on the internet these days and getting into the profession would be good.

  9. The future is technology, US Schools should definitely promote web design and coding. I do think that there is still a lot of potential waiting to be uncovered. Yes this is a great way of promoting saving for young adults and the population as a whole.

  10. I think that promoting web design and coding is a beneficial thing to learn. Especially with our generation technology is a huge factor in our lives. Learning these skills could help people find jobs and learn new skills they might have never known they had.

  11. U.S. schools should promote coding and web design since like Fernando said, technology is our future. Plus, many young students have innovative ideas and with learning to code, it can bring their ideas to life.

  12. Coding should be increased more and web design isn't really promoted at schools except for portfolios of school work. I think that it will be beneficial if more classes were offered at schools for both subjects.

  13. I think it would be extremely beneficial to increase exposure to coding and design, since technology is an integral part of society today and continues to expand. Though there are many people in the field, I don't think that there will be an overcrowding problem in at least the near future because there are so many opportunities to create things with technology for society's benefit.

  14. The schools should promote coding because computers are the future. I think as people develop new software, the number of jobs will continue to increase in the software industry.

  15. I aslo agree that being exposed to coding in schools is essential especially with our advancing society. As we all know technology is the future, and being able to know how some of this technology is being created could be very beneficial to all of us.

  16. I dont think the government should invest more in web design and coding although these things are play an important role in todays society. Government should focus more on immediate issues such as the environment, energy, and inequality.

  17. I think this is an important cause- encouraging girls to learn and refine skills that are very relevant in the modern world empowers them to be able to live higher quality lives, and allows them to contribute to the technological growth of their countries.

  18. I think that we should encourage young students to learn coding and tech skills because the future job market will be increasingly more centered around technology. Just like we have prepared students with the skills they need to be successful in the current market, we need to teach the new and relevant skills.

  19. I think that the government is really just jumping on the coding band wagon. Don't get me wrong, Coding is a very lucrative and useful field, but it is hardly the only aspect of technology. I think that there is so much buzz around computer science that the government should focus on encouraging diversity if less known fields like networking, information security, and hardware.

  20. I think the US should be supporting web design as well, I think in a lot of ways they already do but not very much in young women so if they did something like reward them for making a helpful app that would help.

  21. I agree that the US should encourage these young coders and encourage good financial habits at the same time. I doubt it would take much money in order to fund learning programs and competitions around the country. Counties around the nation will more than likely love the idea and even collect their own funds as well.

  22. The world is ran by technology and it is always advancing. The children as of today will be the ones advancing it. So getting them to use apps now for good educational use is a positive in society. Teaching kids to save money through apps is also a strategic move in banks. All kids want to do is spend money and there is a way tom break that habit by teaching them through technology.

  23. I believe schools should promote coding just because it gives the students another outlet. There will always be more apps that we need. This is a great away for the US to saving and it also teaches the students lessons.

  24. I think that schools should promote coding and web design because it can allow students to acquire this skill and possibly influence them to want to work in that field of work. Promoting these types of classes can lead to a new work of technology for our future.

  25. I think that schools should promote coding because many jobs need people who can code. Coding is an essential skill in today's world.

  26. Coding is the future. Coding is a must, a necessity for the modern society that we live in currently. As we can see, gender inclusive coding has been trying to aim at getting girls to code with programs such as Girls Who Code which is I believe sponsored by facebook. Coding can change lives and what these girls are doing is changing our every day lives.

  27. I think that schools in the u.s should be promoting web designs and coding because of the advancement in technology this could help in the future.

  28. I think schools should promote coding in school. This will give those in school a new skill and an opportunity to explore a field theymay have not considered before

  29. i think coding should definitely be promoted, in schools especially because its the future.

  30. I think they should definitely be promoting it. Especially in the area that we live in. We like in the heart of new and upcoming technology. It should definitely be promoted for it is our future.

  31. I Feel that this is a useful plan, it helps motivate both education as well as financial teaching.

  32. I also agree that this is a good way to encourage the younger generation to educate themselves to go further.

  33. this is a good plan because coding is the future

  34. I believe coding is a good idea and it helps the U.S. bank promote savings. Starting young people to learn how to save money is only beneficial for the future.
