Monday, March 20, 2017

Uber president Jeff Jones steps down

Uber President Jeff Jones Steps Down
Image result for Jeff Jones

The Uber president, Jeff Jones is stepping down for a lot of reasons. He is stepping down primarily because he was frustrated that the company was hiring a new chief operating officer and he was not even in the conversation for the role. But sources say that Jones actually stepped down because he doesn't agree with some of the sexism and sexual harassment scandals that have been surrounding Uber?

Why do you think Jeff Jones stepped down?

What do you think will happen to Uber, due to Jeff Jones Stepping down?

If Uber begins to fail, is this positive for the consumers or negative?


  1. I believe jeff jones stepped down is because he is tired of being victim to some of the past sexism scandals. Its too much for him and I would totally understand. Companies such as lyft will fill the void and they will soon become the popular app. This will be negative impact on the consumers because it will only give people one choice.

  2. Jeff Jones probably decided to step down from his position at Uber because of the whole sexism/sexual harassment problem that the company has dealt with. They'll most likely find another president to take his place, but I don't think anything bad will happen to Uber because of it. But as Jack said, if Uber does begin to fail, it'll just turn their attention to other similar companies, such as Lyft, and give them more success.

  3. I believe that he is tired of being associated with the prior sexism scandals. If Jeff Jones were to step down i believe that other popular taxi services would become more dominant.If Uber starts to fail this will be negative for consumers because they will now have fewer options for quick rides.

  4. I think Jeff is stepping down because of a combination of problems but mostly the scandals that tarnish his rep. Once he steps down he will be replaced and I dont expect Uber to have an issue with this.

  5. I feel that when someone steps down from any position of power, there is always a plan B. Im sure with Jeff stepping down from this high position in the company is of coarse surprising, but not the end of the world. Another will be able to fill his position and continue to progress the company to more success.

  6. I think that Jeff Jones stepping down wont extremely affect the company´s success

  7. I think Jeff Jones stepping down is whatever. Im sure they will find someone else to take his place. I think if he doesn't agree with how the company handles their bad situations, then I think he did the right thing stepping down.

  8. I think that him stepping down isn't as big of a deal as he already was someone in power and already has a reputation that it shouldn't be hard for him to find another job.

  9. If I was Jeff Jones, I would do the same thing. No one wants to be held responsible for sexism and sexual harassment cases, and it's hard to control how drivers interact with their passengers. Hopefully the new president will know how to fix these issues.

  10. I don't think that they will be a major impact on the company if Jeff Jones steps down

  11. I honestly don't think him stepping down will make a huge impact in the company, they were obviously making large decisions without him so him stepping down won't make the situation any different.

  12. Him stepping down will likely not affect the company and it will continue to do well do to the large consumer demand for it, If ubuer some how failed it would undeniably be a negative thing for consumers

  13. He definitely stepped down from the scrutiny he was facing from claims of sexism running throughout his company. I don't think anything will happen to Uber due to the fact that there is a very large demand for it. I don't think it will have any effect on consumers due to the fact that there are many other substitutions in place.

  14. I will agree with him if he steps down for the sexism comments and harassment that goes on in the company.

  15. I think if Uber doesn't find a suitable replacement then they should begin to worry about their infrastructure. I believe it will be better for everyone if Uber begins to fall, they are trying to introduce vehicles that drive themselves which is very dangerous and stupid to have around any people.

  16. I think he stepped down because the overall reputation of Uber has recently been despicable and many problems have been occurring related to Uber.

  17. i think he stepped down because his vision of uber wasn't turning out how he expected it to be and he probably tried to. fix it but maybe it was just too late

  18. I believe that Jeff Jones is stepping down from his position due to the direction the company is headed. I think that he thought that Uber will not last much longer and instead of powering through it he will just step down and not be part of Uber anymore. I don't think anything will happen to Uber Jeff Jones is only one person and there are other people running this company so I think everything will be fine. If Uber begins to fail I don't think it will be a positive or a negative for the consumers it will just mean that consumers will have to find a new method of transportation.

  19. I think he stepped down because he was hurting the company by staying in office. Due to his many problems he caused as fpresident with his comments and actions, he is the reason many people switched over to lyft. I think Uber will now be able to select a president that will run the company professionally. No I do not think this will negativly effect the company at all. I think it will actually help the company.

  20. I believe he stepped down because of the negativity surrounding Uber. He most likely did not want to be the face to that negativity and stepped down.

  21. Jeff Jones sees that Uber is probably not heading in the best direction with all of the negative news lately and increasing competition. Uber's negative image will persist as the CEO steps down, but there is also a possibility of a new leader stepping up and helping to change Uber's image. If Uber begins to fail this is obviously negative for customers.

  22. I think it says a lot about the company if the president doesn't even want to fix the issues involving that company. This is just my thoughts (only Jeff himself knows the reason he stepped down), but I think he was already thinking of leaving/stepping down and then the situation involving the new position where he was not considered just put the icing on top of the cake for him and pushed him to act on his thoughts of stepping down.

  23. I believe that if Jeff Jones does not want to face these issues going on with Uber than a lot is left to think about and clearly this will have a negative impact on uber the business will go down by a lot. I believe that Jeff Jones should step it up if he wants for this business to keep running positively, if not he should slowly get rid of Uber or find a way to make this all work out.

  24. I think there is no way to know the real reason Jeff Jones stepped down unless we asked him himself. I do believe that he probably was getting tired of certain aspects of his company and wanted to pass it on to others though.

  25. He probably stepped down due to the people with different beliefs than he had. With him stepping down, there could be many changes to Uber, bad and good. It will be positive if Uber fails, it's not like drivers make a lot of money, and they're racist anyways.

  26. I think that there isn't just one reason as to why he stepped down. I believe the companies affiliation with Trump and many people boycotting it. I also think it has to do with the stories the company has been connected to. I think that his lack of willingness to fight against these issues the company is facing and really attempt to crack down on the racism and sexism shows that there must be other reasons as to why he is leaving. Leaving doesn't solve the problem, it just passes on the blame.

  27. Jeff Jones might have stepped down for plenty of reasons but if he steps down there will be positive and negative in that situation and would be a bummer if it did fail.
