Ways the GOP Bill Could Change Your Health Insurance

One of the biggest changes to come would be that fewer employers would not offer health insurance to their employees. This change would make the job market more competitive and the trade off for the employers would be either having to pay high amounts for the health insurance plan for their staff or not having it at all and maybe pay their employees a little bit more. Another huge change would be less money for medicaid. The problem with this is when the money for medicaid goes short, do they still get the help and attention needed for their medical status? And if so what do they do when they get handed a bill they cannot pay off? Lastly, younger people may have cheaper policies. This means, younger people would have a lower premium while those ages 50-60 have higher premiums.
1. Do you feel insurance companies will be able to survive if these changes come to play?
2. Do you feel that cutting the allowance for those on medicaid will make a significant change? Why or why not?
3. Do you feel its a good idea to have the elder pay higher premiums so the young adults can have cheaper policies? Explain.
Ya I do think they will be able to survive because people still need it is not like employers are the only people that buy it for their workers. It will definitely make a change because not many people will be able to afford it anymore or have that leverage. I believe that they should not because that is not really fair for them we should all have the same amount of pay.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this change is necessarily a bad thing. It will force the competition into health insurance, or possibly demand the government provide better health insurance. If we make it out of this problem well, the benefits could be better than where we are now.
ReplyDeleteI think they will able to survive. I dont think it is fair for them we should have to pay a equal amount.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the insurance companies will survive, they will find a way to make up for lost money. I do not think it is fair nor a good idea to increase elders premiums in order for younger folk to have cheaper policies, I think it should be the other way around.
ReplyDeleteYeah I think that insurance companies will survive in these changes. They will find a way to survive because they are trying to make money and with these changes they will have to adapt them in order to make money. I don't not think that elders should be paying a premium so that younger people could have a cheaper policy but I don't think that young people should pay more for elders to have a cheaper policy either. I believe that they should meet in the middle and find something that can work for both parties.
ReplyDeleteI think the insurance companies will be able to survive these. I do think that cutting the allowance for those on medicaid will make a significant change as many people might suffer through majors financial issues. I don't think it is a good idea to have the elders pay higher premiums and, rather, we should have the pay be equal between the elders and the young adults.
ReplyDeleteI think that this affects insurance companies less than it affects American citizens who can't afford insurance. I don't think that the elders should pay higher premiums.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a bad idea that elders have to pay more money so young people can have lower premiums. It is not fair for retired elders who worked hard all their lives to live comfortably just to pay it back to younger kids who don't want to do that.
ReplyDeleteI think citizens are more affected by this than the insurance companies are in the long run, and it's probably not a great idea to have elders pay more.
ReplyDeleteInsurance companies will be fine since there won't be a drastic change in their sales or anything. However i don't think it's fair for the elderly to have to pay more since many older people sometimes only have enough after retiring for basic necessities.
ReplyDeleteI feel like the insurance companies will be fine. However, I feel like it isn't a good idea to make the elderly have higher premiums because its messed up since the elderly worked longer and should not have to worry about issues like this.
ReplyDeleteI agree that is unfair for elders to pay more money for the benefits of the younger generations regarding premiums because these people have worked hard their entire lives to save up for retirement which isn't easy.
ReplyDeleteit is downright unfair to promise people things for when they retire after working their whole lives and then change what it is they get after each election. these are peoples lives
ReplyDeleteI believe that the changes won't hurt the insurance companies too much. I still think that they will be able to survive. It is unfair for elders to pay more money for the benefits of the younger generations, however, people are continuing to live longer and longer and social security is going to be extremely difficult to keep up as a process for retirement.
ReplyDeleteI think the insurance company won't be hurt but I don't think it's fair for elder to have to pay more because they are older which means they probably don't work and they have worked hard their whole life.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this change will not hurt insurance companies as much and I believe that they could survive. I do not think the elderly should be paying a high price or as much for the young people. I do not find it fair in any case.
ReplyDeleteI dont think it is fair or helpful to raise the prices for the elderly because they're the ones who probably need it the most regarding their health. They've worked their whole lives saving for their retirement, and they can't afford to worry about the prices because they don't work and wil not be able to support it.
ReplyDeletei agree that it is not fair to raise the prices for the old because most of them do not have enough money especially not from social security.
ReplyDeleteI agree with amanda that it isnt fair that the prices raise for them because most of them do not have money especially not from social security.