Thursday, March 9, 2017

SF traffic ranks as 4th worst in world

San Fransisco is a place that garners many people looking for a place to live because of it's amazing views and all of the history that lives within the city. This is also the cause for so much traffic within the city. San Fransisco is the third most congested metropolitan area in the world, according to SF Gate. We can help reduce this congestion by carpooling to our destinations, using services like lyft and uber, or by using public transportation.

How else could we fix this congestion?
Should SF make public transportation more affordable?
Should more laws be implemented in order to lower the amount of people that drive at one time?


  1. I agree that we should carpool by using lyft or uber. Also, using public transportation like bus or train would reduce the amount of traffic and making it more affordable would help a lot.

  2. SF should make public transportation more affordable because when you think about it all that money adds up at the end of the year. I dont think there should more laws implemented in order to lower the amount of people that drive at one time.

  3. I think that there should be public transportation options like busses to suburban areas. While the trains are nice they are limited.

  4. I think that public transportation should be more affordable so there are more people using buses and such instead of taking their cars and taking up parking spots and causing more traffic

  5. The best way to reduce traffic is public transportation. There are already lots of people using services like BART or CalTrain and the Muni, but San Francisco still has lots of traffic. There should be more investment in public transportation and its services should be better marketed and more accessible.

  6. I think we can fix this by trying to improve public transportation so more people use it. They can make it more affordable by giving some sort of discount to students, old people, companies, etc.

  7. I believe that public transportation should be improved and also made more affordable. This will help people not use their cars as much and use the bus or train or BART that will help save gas.

  8. I think the BART system in the bay area can definitely be improved. The trains and rails themselves are extremely outdated and barely functioning. It is always be fixed and the workers are often on strike so it is not a reliable form of transportation. It is expensive for what it is, given the trains are often late. Other major cities have great public transportation established and San Francisco is definitely lacking because of this. Because most of the SF traffic is from commuters, if the BART system is improved, this could definitely help decrease traffic problems

  9. I agree that bart could be improved. I also think it is a good idea to carpool using uber.

  10. I think this congestion can be fixed if people carpooled and used public transportation more often so there would be less cars. I believe that SF should make public transportation more affordable so that more people will take it.

  11. I think that the public transport should be improved by adding more paths and tunnels so people can take a more direct route to their destination and they will no longer need to use a car to get directly there.

  12. I believe that a helpful way to improve the congestion in the city is by adding more transportation pathways. Meaning more open roadways so that drivers can take different paths and make the traffic less intense.

  13. SF traffic is horrible and I think part of the reason for that is that there are very few lanes and too many cars trying to go into the city. As a daily traveler to SF I have noticed every single time I go there that there is always congestion on the free mainly because of very few lanes on the freeway and too many cars trying to get in or out of SF. I believe that public transportation in Sf is already pretty affordable but if I had to say I would just lower the price for public transportation just a little bit. I don't think that any laws should be implemented for this reason but a solution to this problem might be trying to make the freeway lanes bigger so more cars can go in or out of SF.

  14. I think we should encourage carpooling more, to decrease the amount of congestion. I also think public transportation, like buses, should consist of more stops to make it more convenient for locals

  15. I agree with Renee because carpooling would decrease traffic. There should be more on transportation such as bart.

  16. People need to utilize public transportation a lot more such as buses. This will decrease congestion because there are less cars on the road once people start using buses.

  17. I think using public transportation would reduce the amount of traffic. Making public transportation more affordable and accessible would increase the use of public transportation.

  18. We can fix this congestion by making public transportation affordable for everyone, especially in SF where its way more expensive than anywhere else. We should also carpool by using left and uber.

  19. the most effective way is by using and offering more public transportations because even with uber and lyft is not helping at all .its really not that hard but it will need everybody's contribution and understanding .

  20. I think that fixing the public transportation experience will help reduce those who take cars. With the creation of more lines that go to more places as well as decreasing the prices, more people would take public transportation.

  21. I think that improving public transportation, more advertisement of carpooling, and additional pathways for cars would help the traffic congestion issue that we have in San Francisco. Public transportation should be made more affordable because of the fact that a lot of people need ways in and out of the city on daily basis.

  22. I think the best way to fix the congestion is by improving the public transportation system and encouraging people to carpool. I feel like the current public transportation is old and could be more convenient. Also, making it more affordable would encourage more people to use it.

  23. Carpooling services made a huge difference in the economy and the roads. That's why Uber is very popular. Another way of making SF traffic better is by giving the roads an extra lane. Also, the drivers need to better their skills to decrease congestion within the roads.

  24. As most other people said, encouraging carpooling as well as somehow improving and optimizing the public transport system would help the traffic issue.

  25. The problem cannot be solved by changing the way people want to travel. If transportation methods are the problem then why can't the roads or even cost of new transportation like trains and buses be more affordable? We cannot ask people to carpool because of the congestion of cars. Instead, we should establish wider roads or even create more efficient ways of traveling.

  26. I think that we should at least try to find a way to improve our public transportation system. It's pretty expensive, and that could be a reason that people prefer to drive their own cars rather than to take CalTrain or BART. By improving our systems, it would encourage people to get off the roads and find other ways to travel around the city. If not that, then at least advertise the benefits of carpooling in order to persuade people to carpool more often.

  27. I believe that there should be faster transportation because already the transportation is affordable. I think a lot of improvements could be made to avoid a lot of traffic. I believe that carpool should be advertised more because that will take away so many cars off the road.

  28. Really there aren't a whole lot of options that the city has in order to reduce traffic but as a lot people have previously stated, making all types of public transportation more affordable and accessible is the best way to reduce traffic in the city.

  29. This issue can easily be solved with the implementation of more public transportation or faster and more efficient public transportation. Most people do not use public transportation because of the lack of efficiency that it provides, because as it travels faster than traffic, it does not always arrive at the locations that people need to be at, which makes self driving a better option for them.

  30. I feel like there could be a lot of improvements made to transportation but the rate of population is so high it would barely change anything. Making public transportation more affordable is an option

  31. The real problem of with traffic in SF is companies like Uber and Lyft. Those drivers have to slowly drive around trying to find their client, they double park in the middle of the street creating even more traffic then there already is. The only way to fix this is to make public transportation easier to get.

  32. I think maybe there could be more roads created and i also agree with hayden that lyft and uber have a huge impact on the traffic.

  33. I dont think laws that control how many people can drive on the road will be effective or a good idea. Many people go there for school or for work, and it would be a huge disadvantage. Investing and improving systems such as BART (which needs a lot of work) and or Caltrain can help with the congestion.

  34. The idea of implementing laws to control the number of people which can drive at one time would not work on a variety of levels. To say certain numbers of people cannot drive at any one time would be a restriction of freedoms to travel, and there is not even an oil crisis which prompted driving restrictions in the 70's. Also, to invest in BART tracks and new, more fuel efficient busses to expand would only aid the city rather than hurt it. Improving sidewalks across the city also encourages safer and larger numbers in foot traffic.

  35. Making laws to control how many people can drive at one time will not work, at least not with the population of San Francisco. The numbers are just too great to be able to control. I think that making public transportation cheaper would have a much greater impact than controlling how many people can drive at once. No, those laws would not work, if you control the amount of people who drive than the sidewalks are just going to be filled with people, as it already is a issue of its own problem, than so will public transportation as it will be extremely hard to find public transportation that can fit.

  36. I think people should definitely try to use more public transportation. However, I think we need to make sure that public transportation should be updated and cleaner. I think that people tend to not use it for these reasons. I don't think that laws should be made however because that would just cause an uproar.

  37. Reissue Public Transportation and make it better for the masses. They should make it easier to get anywhere. No, because it would cause a lot more problems than it started with.

  38. We can fix infrastructure by hijacking the price of gas and cars so only certain individuals can drive, while making infrastructure and public transportation more viable options by making them cheap. Also keep increasing housing rates so people have to move out because there's too many people that is why there is traffic. Get good or deal with it.

  39. We should implement more carpool lanes to encourage carpooling and provide incentives for driving with other people. I think that the SF companies need to make a profit even though it is more expensive for people to take. Companies like Lyft and Uber are very useful in the city since they allow people to avoid the hassle of finding parking in the city. Overall, congestion is a big problem that cannot be solved with just one solution. Laws to limit congestion would be useful but would be hard to enforce.

  40. I def think that by carpooling there will be less congestion. Although I think if public transportation was more accessible it would help reduce so much. I think if the BART was more more spread out and went out farther more people would be motivated to take it. For example some residents in redwood city may need to get to work in SF but do not want to go through the struggle of taking the train then BART

  41. I don't think there needs to be laws to this that's just taking it too far. Maybe just encouraging carpooing would be the best

  42. I think we could carpool or use bikes or walk.They should make public transportation more affordable. I think making a law that less people should be driving would not be very smart.

  43. Public transportation should be more affordable, because a lot of people may need it, but some may not be able to afford it.

  44. We can fix this by not creating more apartments and houses in the city. Public transportation should always be cheap and affordable for citizens; it is also very energy efficient because it creates less pollution and helps out citizens in the city.

  45. I would have to agree that we should all start carpooling because now in this time we need it the most and with carpooling it will reduce traffic here in SF.
