Due to the longevity of war in Syria, many Syrian children suffer now from “toxic stress”, which is a condition resulting of continuous experience of trauma. The main cause for this condition, says Taghreed Baaj, a psychological counselor, is the loss of a loved one, family member, or an entire family. Many children that are in the refugee camps are orphans. Due to the increase in bombings, many children do not feel safe the even get their education. A majority of Syrian children stay in the camps in order to feel secure. Many adults have reported that children who suffer from toxic stress wet the bed, have vivid nightmares, and have lost the ability to speak due to their fear. The worst cases, says the article, lead to those children self-harming, taking drugs, or attempting suicide. Over 3 million Syrian children have grown up only knowing war, and millions of others will grow up fearing it.
- Now that President Trump has placed a travel ban on Syria and other countries in the Middle East, do you think that will only fuel the fear?
- What should be a solution to helping these children cope?
- How can the U.S. help Syria?
I think that banning any hope of escaping this conflict will do more than fuel the fear it will expand it to extreme levels
ReplyDeleteI think it will "fuel the fear". I think we should stop the fighting.
ReplyDeleteI think Trump's travel ban on Syria and other countries in the Middle East will continue to fuel the fear because of the constant disaster of their surrounding that is leading these kids to depression and suicide.
ReplyDeleteThese children need to be treated with care in order to calm them down and rid them of their "toxic stress." The US could help, but not with Trump's travel ban.
ReplyDeleteTrumps travel ban will only "fuel the fear." These children need care and support and the US can help them, however Trump's ban doesn't do anything but hurt them.
ReplyDeleteI think that Trump's travel ban is making things a lot worse. I think it will be hard for the U.S to help Syria because of the new presidency.
ReplyDeleteI think that the children who are there need to be cared for. The US should try to help them by stop fighting. Trump's ban is not making any difference, only making things worse.
ReplyDeleteI personally have met Syrian refugees in an UN event in New York City. They are good people just like all of us, but unfortunately they have lost their homes due to the war or have been threatened and targeted by dictatorship. Allowing them to begin a new life and providing for them is the right thing to do, and I hope that our government can embrace what America believes in by giving the Syrian refugees a chance to live the American dream.
ReplyDeleteTrump's ban is making things worse. I think the US should be helping, rather than taking steps back. I think Obama worked hard to establish good partnerships with foreign countries and we should uphold that reputation.
ReplyDeleteTrump doesn't seem to understand exactly what it is he's doing. The travel bans aren't ridiculous but are dumb enough to be questionable. I personally do not agree with most decisions he makes and hope he comes to better conclusions in the future.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Syrian stress. Absolutely they are fatigued and affected by the war. The last six years have rendered their environment unlivable, and make it near impossible for them to thrive as a people. I hope more refugees get taken in.
ReplyDeleteI think that the ban will definitely make the fear worse if that is even possible, the only way to really help them is to help end the war or take in the children and help them here. They are not in an environment where they can truly live and be children and they are experiencing things every day, that most people dont experience in their lives. I hope that we can take more refugees in and help them out.
ReplyDeleteI think that the ban will increase refugees feeling trapped and hopeless about their situation.
ReplyDeleteI think that banning travel from Syria will definitely fuel the fire of fear in this situation. I personally believe that it is not the United States responsibility to help the children cope, but being that we will end up helping anyways the best thing we can do is supply necessities like food and water. What the US could really do is make sure any airstrikes from anyone are not targeted where there can be civilian population, especially children.
ReplyDeletePersonally I feel it is truly unfortunate to see countries like Syria suffer due to the strengthening of our own nation. I also think its unfortunate how the US is the only country that is willing to help countries in states of adversity. I believe that if our nation is suffering, not as much as syria, but still suffering in its own way, I feel our needs should come first.
ReplyDeleteTrump's travel ban makes it difficult for the US to help in some ways. I think the travel ban also increases fear among the refugees and does not help their cause when they need care and support right now. I think the support of international relief organizations such as the Red Cross could help these refugees receive some relief or needed supplies and emotional support.
ReplyDeleteWith the Syrian crisis, it is essential that groups such as the UN, not solely the U.S., need to facilitate an end to this seemingly endless civil war. The amount of refugees can only be supported so much, and solving the issue of the civil war on both sides is where actions should be taken and needs to be taken if those people want U.S. to be an aid in the event.
ReplyDeleteI think that the ban definitely is going to fuel fear due to the fact that they feel like they have no where else to go. Because now European countries aren't letting a lot of people in. I think to help these children cope is we need to make sure they know that there are other countries in the world that can help them. I think that there isn't really much we can do right now due to the travel ban. However, I think we should make it an effort to show that we are thinking of them and that they have some support.
ReplyDeleteChange should be made, everyone should deserve a free place to feel safe and have the right to a healthy clean education.
ReplyDeleteI think that with the band it will "fuel the fire" the ban adds other piece to the equation making it more difficult for them. This is another worry the children will know, and another thing adding to their toxic stress
ReplyDeleteI agree with Josh. And especially these are young children, they should have somewhere safe to stay at.